New Zealand cultures today

The changing nature of our populations is one reason that developing competence in working with cultural diversity is so important. In 2006:

  • In terms of ethnicity, Pakeha (New Zealanders of European descent) have dropped from being over 90% of the population to just over 60%, with Māori, Pasifika and Asian peoples representing increasing proportions.
  • There has been a similar drop amongst those identifying as ‘Christian’, with a dramatic increase in those not giving a religious affiliation.
  • While the majority of New Zealanders were born here, the diversity of other places has increased… those born overseas have lived here for fewer years.
  • During the same period, the population generally has been steadily aging, which is also reflected in the workforce.
  • The proportion of women in the workforce has been steadily increasing since the 1950s.
  • All of these factors contribute to diversity in the workplace.
Statistics New Zealand

Some interesting 2013 census changes

Source: Statistics New Zealand July 2014

New Zealand has more ethnicities than the world has countries
Major ethnic groups in 2013
Religious affiliation changes